What we want is to see the man who is harmoniously developed..... great in heart, great in mind, great in deed... We want the man whose heart feels intensely the miseries and sorrows of the world.... And we want the man who not only can feel but can find the meaning of things, who delves deeply into the heart of nature and understanding. We want the man who will not even stop there, but who wants to work out the feeling and meaning by actual deeds. Such a combination of head, heart and hand is what we want.
You see what is happening all around us. The world is one of influence. Part of our energy is used up in the preservation of our own bodies. Beyond that, every particle of our energy is day and night being used in influencing others. Our bodies, our virtues, our intellect and our spirituality, all these are continuously influencing others; and so, conversely, we are being influenced by them. This is going on all around us. Now to take a concrete example. A man comes; you know he is very learned, his language is beautiful, and he speaks to you by the hour; but he does not make any impression. Another man comes, and he speaks a few words, not well arranged, ungrammatical perhaps; all the same, he makes an immense impression. Many of you have seen that. So it is evident that words alone can not always produce an impression. Words, even thoughts, contribute only one third of the influence in making an impression, the man two-thirds. What you call the personal of the man-- that is what goes out and impress you.
The ideal of all education, all training, should be this man-making. But, instead of that, we are always trying to polish up the outside. What we use in polishing up the outside when there is no inside? The end and aim of all training is to make the man grow. The man who influences, who throws his magic, as it were, upon his fellow-beings, is a dynamo of power, and when the man is ready, he can do anything and everything he likes; that personality put upon anything will make it work.